So, you’ve decided what you want in a gym, (catch up here) you’ve narrowed down what type of membership you want, now what? There’s nothing wrong with simply going ahead and make it official with your dream gym if you are 100% certain about it. There’s nothing worse than gym membership buyers remorse and non-refundable too. However, before you enter into a formal contract and pay membership fees here are some tips for your pre-membership purchase:

Get a guest pass:

A guest pass may be what you may need to do to make a solid decision about the gym. Buy a day/guest pass and go on the days and times that you intend on going regularly. That way you get to see the volume of persons there at the same time as you. Keep a special eye open for the availability of equipment that you are most likely to use. Did you have to wait to use the equipment? Did the place seem clean? Were other members practicing proper gym etiquette? What were the staff like?

Ask Around

Also, if you know people who are members of a gym you’re interested in, don’t be shy to ask them what they like and dislike most about the facility. They have nothing to lose by being honest and will most likely give an informative review.