If you’re thinking of taking your fitness game up a notch, you may consider joining a gym. But how do you know which one is right for you? How do you go about picking a gym? How do you find the right gym? Picking the right gym should take into consideration many factors based on what you’re looking for. Let’s discuss!

What specific things are you after?

Think about what types of exercises and equipment you fancy; whether or not you want to take classes and what types of classes are available, child care, etc. Make a must-have list of all of the amenities and equipment you’d like such a gym to have so that you can make an informed decision after comparing.

Here’s a list of checkpoints that may be useful:

Amenities: classes, women’s only area, babysitting/ children’s area, parking, towel services, shower rooms, and any other you fancy.

Cardio: treadmill, elliptical, Arc trainer, stairs, Assault bike, stationary bike, rowing machine, skiing machine, etc.

Free weights: weight plates, bumper plates, dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, etc.

Bodyweight strength: rings, chains, dip station, bands, plyo boxes, climbing ropes, etc.

Conditioning: jump ropes, battle ropes, power sled, punching bags, medicine balls, heavy tires, etc.

Machines and racks: cable machines, leg press, power racks, etc.

Specialty: pool, tennis court, sauna, etc.

If all of these sound foreign to you, don’t worry, you’ll be a pro in no time!

What’s your budget?

How much are you looking to spend on your membership? If you’re looking to join a commercial gym and purchase a lifetime membership, it could cost as low as $10.00 a month. Equally, a $250.00 a month membership is nothing strange. A typical gym membership would cost you between $30-60.

My advice is to consider the value of membership costs. For example, how inclusive is it: are offerings like meal plans, personal training, and classes included? Are the classes those that you’re interested in taking regularly, like spinning, Abs? Dance fitness etc? Say that class is $20 per session to non-members, and you’d like to do it 3 times per week, or that personal training sessions are at least $25 and you need a minimum of 2 per week to make fitness sense. You’d be better off paying for the inclusive but perhaps more expensive membership because when you do the math, you’d save a lot more money that way.

At Fusion Fitness we focus on value over price because while we believe that most gym-goers cannot afford the kinds of personalized services necessary to satisfy their needs and achieve their fitness goal over the long term. As such we try to pack as much value as possible into each membership package to better support members at a price that they can afford for the life of their memberships. If you want to check out our membership packages, click here.


What is that gym doing to protect clients against COVID-19? Are there signs directing persons to disinfect before and after using gym equipment? Are they actually practicing what is expected of them? We know that gyms are not deemed to be the most sanitary place to be frequenting in the middle of a pandemic.

That’s why we do temperature checks, electrostatic disinfection, pre, and post equipment usage disinfection provide hand sanitizing stations throughout our facility, and provide towel services. That way, we make our members as comfortable as possible, all while practicing social distance.

Location Location Location!

How important is the location for you? Make sure you’re not setting yourself up for failure here, and be very honest with yourself. If your dream gym is too far away from your normal route, you may be less likely to go because of those commute times and traffic barriers.

Consider a gym that is located within a reasonable radius of your home or place of work. Somewhere that you’d pass along the way on the regular. Convenience is key. If you use public transportation, consider ease of access, or if driving, consider ease of parking and parking lot safety.

Online is becoming more and more popular these days considering… Find out whether there is an online program offered by that gym. That may come in handy if you are unable to go to the gym or just unwilling to train inside of a gym at all.

All those factors are important considerations to make when gym shopping. Budget, amenities, equipment, location. Pick the right gym with confidence. Ask questions, be engaged. See how REPTS compare. All the best!

Yours in Fitness!
